


Attention to the environmental impact of our production activities has always been the primary focus of the AMA Beer philosophy, and one of our firmest commitments since the day we opened.


clean energy

Our brewery has a low consumption of electricity from conventional sources, thanks to the installation of a zero-emission photovoltaic array that guarantees the efficient operation of our entire production facility, including even the forklift trucks we use to move goods around!



Waste water treatment

The capacity of our brewery's waste water treatment system is significantly greater than our effective needs, guaranteeing maximum respect for nature and the environment in which we are fortunate enough to work.



We never throw anything away

The residues of the spent barley malt, known in the trade as "trub", are still rich in nutritional substances that make them ideal for feeding livestock, and we therefore pass them on to a local feed producer.



We're cleaner with less chlorine

In addition, to protect our workforce and the environment, we decided right from the start to reduce at the lowest possible point, all cleaning products containing chlorine.



Recyclable packaging material and water-based ink

For the same reason, AMA Beer uses packing materials made from 100% recyclable cardboard, printed with water-based inks and glued together with adhesives derived from maize starch. Finally, for our bottles we use only dark brown glass that is 100% recyclable.